2023: A Winning Year for Bay Laurel Athletics
Dec 29, 2023

As we bid farewell to 2023, we can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude and accomplishment. This year has been nothing short of remarkable, and we are overjoyed to share the incredible journey we've had together as we add a trophy to our shelf.
Business Growth:
First and foremost, we are ecstatic to announce that Bay Laurel Athletics has grown threefold this year. This growth doesn't just reflect in a business sense but more so the expanding impact Bay Laurel Athletics is having in our sports community. It is a testament to the dedication and hard work of our team, as well as the unwavering support from our amazing community.
Innovative Collaborations:
One of the highlights of 2023 was our collaboration with Shasta Health, leveraging cutting-edge technology to redefine the landscape of healthcare delivery. Beyond simply embracing new healthcare innovations, our commitment was rooted in preserving the timeless and essential human connection in healthcare—a principle we hold dear and are truly passionate about.
We partnered with the passion driven Advocates 4 Athletes team, to not just prepare athletes physically and mentally for collegiate sports but to help ease the stress of the recruiting process.
In addition, partnering with She-Shredz has allowed us to contribute to empowering women in outdoor sports. Together, we've worked to create an inclusive environment that fosters confidence and success.
Rehabilitating Injuries and Saving Seasons:
At Bay Laurel Athletics, we take pride in our ability to rehab injuries swiftly and efficiently, often providing alternatives to surgery. This year, we saved numerous athletes from the operating table, enabling them to return to their sports and activities, sometimes even against the odds.
Bay Laurel Athletics is not just about physical rehabilitation; it's a stand for ultimate health and wellness. We've sometimes challenged the traditional healthcare system to ensure our athletes receive the best care possible. Our commitment extends beyond physical health to mental well-being.
A poignant moment that stands out is the senior football player whose season we saved. Having him play his last high school football game instead of being resigned to surgery was a triumph that resonates with the core of our mission—to keep athletes in the game and fulfill their dreams.
Triumphs and Accomplishments:
Our athletes have achieved remarkable feats, from making the team, meeting goals, and winning games, races, and competitions to conquering new mountains, including taking on the national gymnastics camp and the grueling 155-mile Racing the Planet race. The rewards of hard work have been abundant, and we're immensely proud of each accomplishment.
Taking a Stand Against Student Athlete Suicide:
In 2023, we took a firm stand against student athlete suicide, the third leading cause of death for young athletes. Unfortunately, we witnessed the impact firsthand when a student in our community experienced the loss of a school friend to suicide. In such a challenging time, we were grateful to be a pillar of support.
Contrary to the alarming statistics suggesting an increased likelihood of suicidal ideation among those who have experienced the loss of someone to suicide, we are confident that our interventions stop this domino effect. Our aim is not just to prevent a tragic reality but to empower students to navigate profound losses like these with resilience, warmth, and a profound understanding of students gifts and contributions—free from the burden of guilt.
We will continue to stand to eliminate suicide in athletics for good, firmly believing in the collective strength of our community can make this happen.
Transforming Lives and Preventing Injuries:
Beyond the victories and accolades, our proudest moments lie in transforming young athletes' lives. We've been privileged to witness the emergence of confidence, laser-sharp focus, and unyielding resilience that not only navigates them through life's challenges but also imparts a profound sense of grace, power, joy, and excitement—qualities they now possess in abundance, far surpassing anything they had experienced before. It's a testament to their incredible growth and the lasting impact of our work on their lives.
Our dedication to injury prevention this year helped us provide screenings for hundreds of student athletes and identified those at high risk, allowing us to provide the support needed to prevent injuries before they occur. It has also landed Dr. Laurel Mines, PT, DPT, OCS a teaching position for an injury prevention class at Stanford University.
Community Engagement:
Bay Laurel Athletics is more than a business; it's a community. We've worked closely with schools, athletic boosters, PTAs, and participated in podcasts, parent nights, and networking groups. Your support has been instrumental in our success, and we are genuinely blessed to have such an incredible community around us.
As we reflect on 2023, we extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who has been part of this journey. We are excited for the opportunities and challenges that 2024 will bring, and we look forward to continuing this incredible adventure together.
Wishing you all a warm and joyous New Year!
Written by:
Dr. Laurel Mines, PT, DPT, OCS
Physical Therapist and Sports Mental Performance Coach